Chapter Seven
Links and Resources
Below are links to websites relevant to particular material in chapter seven, including all websites specifically mentioned in the text. The numbers to the left indicate the page number of the casebook to which the link is relevant or where the website is referenced.
708 — In addition to the excerpt from the Clean Air Act in Appendix F, here are a few more randomly selected examples of “special statutory review” provisions: 7 USC 9(11)(B)(2) (CFTC orders); 29 USC 655(f) (OSHA workplace safety standards); 33 USC 1319(g)(8) (administrative penalties imposed by EPA under the Clean Water Act); 52 USC 30109(a)(8) (FEC dismissal of or failure to act on a private party’s complaint).
708 — Here is the ACUS Sourcebook of Federal Judicial Review Statutes by Jonathan Siegel.